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Comfort Zone

      Growing up being shy played a huge part in my life. It wasn't the kind of shyness were when someone said something to me I would speak in a very low tone. No , my shyness was the kind of shyness that if you said something to me I would not utter a single word to you. Like you would literally think I was mute or something. so serious. Having that characteristic trait can prevent you from being the person you are set out to be. It wasn't until recently I sort of got out of my shyness but it was hard with that being my comfort zone. I had got so use to just being shy that being outgoing around others was really unusual to me. Don't get me wrong there is still some shyness in me but I've found a lot of my confidence in the Lord. #ThankYouJesus. "Sometimes in order to receive God's blessings you have to step out of your comfort zone." If you ask me if I believe that saying the answer you will get is a YES , I truly believe it. For most (including me) s

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